A special feature of the MAMUZ is its focus on experimental archaeology. This provides the theoretical and practical basis for critically examining the accuracy of research results in experiments. The inclusion of interdisciplinary research methods and scientific methods of analysis is an important tool here. At MAMUZ Schloss Asparn/Zaya, the lived practice of experimental archaeology is a central component of cultural education in the archaeological outdoor area.

Research into prehistoric and early historical technologies and the associated archaeological experiments have a long tradition in Asparn. Since the archaeological open-air site was established, emphasis has been placed on the clarification of historical issues through practical experimental set-ups, preferably in the construction of archaeological models such as the Neolithic longhouse, the Bronze Age sleeper construction and many others. Experiments were carried out on prehistoric architecture, late Palaeolithic tent construction and the baking of Neolithic bread. Today, the focus is on communicating and presenting living cultural models to the general public.

Insights into experimental archaeology

Interviews with Experts
Kienspann lighting in the mine
© netta mea
Ceramic firing. Pile firing with animal dung
© netta mea
Experimental cremation. Experiments on the rituals of cremation burials in the Urnfield period
© netta mea
Iron smelting in prehistory and early history
© netta mea
Roast venison 20,000 years ago. Carving a deer with stone tools
© netta mea
Experimental construction of a panpipe from tubular bones
© netta mea

Since 1982, the archaeological open-air site has also been a centre and training facility for experimental archaeology for the University of Vienna's Institute of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology. The museum's pioneering role throughout Europe in the field of experimental research has made it possible to date to offer three to four-day seminars on site every year, which form the centrepiece of courses for specialist students. The course includes a lecture on experimental archaeology and the history of technology, the aim of which is on the one hand to convey the theoretical foundations, such as the methodological approach and the definition of questions. On the other hand, the practical aspects of this research method should also be made clear by teaching technical equipment, work processes, craft practices and knowledge of the properties of various materials.

The MAMUZ Schloss Asparn/Zaya will continue to focus on experimental archaeology in the future, both in terms of teaching in the outdoor area and further development as an experimental archaeological research site. The long-standing cooperation with the "Experimental Archaeology" working group of the Austrian Society for Prehistory and Early History and the Institute for Prehistory and Historical Archaeology at the University of Vienna, as well as with other universities, is to be continued and expanded in order to maintain and expand MAMUZ's outstanding international position as a training centre and scientific location.

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